Hello class! Here's the schedule for this Tuesday: 7:30-8:15: Walk-throughs in Lobdell (second floor of the student center) 8:15-10:15: Class in Sala (second floor of the student center) (9:15 ending time for PE students) I know a lot of people in the non-PE class needed to leave early last week. If you can, I'd recommend you come to the walk-throughs at 7:30 to get more practice with the thirty-three calls we've already covered. At the bottom of this e-mail I've included the first of several quizzes that I'll be sending you throughout the class. These quizzes are just a means of encouraging you to think about the figures in a different way -- they are meant to be enjoyable, and are not to be considered homework. (I didn't write them -- I remember doing them myself when I was taking the class!) I look forward to seeing you Tuesday! - Brian Something to think about: Grand Square has a well-defined algorithm: After every three steps, you turn 90 degrees (such that you never turn out of the square) and after 16 beats everyone reverses. So, what happens if you leave the basic definition in place, but change the starting conditions? Typically, the Sides start facing their partner and the Heads start as couples at home. What happens if: - The Heads start facing their partner and the Sides start as a couple at home? - Both the Heads and the Sides start facing their partners? - The Sides start in the middle rather than facing? (They would begin their Grand Square by backing up) - Everyone starts as they typcially do, but the Heads start the Grand Square four beats later than the Sides? (and reverse four beats later than the sides)