Here's the schedule for this Tuesday: 7:30-8:15: Walk-throughs in Lobdell (second floor of the student center) 8:15-10:15: Class in Sala (second floor of the student center) This week is one of my favorite weeks of the class - we have a couple of really fun calls to learn, but we also have a couple hard calls to learn, and a few calls that are variants on calls we learned in week 3. This will add another level of complexity to the dancing, which is something a lot of club members enjoy about dancing here at Tech Squares. But, with these new challenges, we still have to know all of the existing material... so this is a good time for a short self-assessment: Think about some of the calls we've learned in the first few weeks (such as Wheel and Deal, Swing Thru, Partner Trade, Run, Square Thru, and Single Hinge). As yourself: Are you able to dance these figures on your own steam? (Good.) Or if someone else gives you a small hint? (OK as long as you motivate yourself to fill in the gaps.) Or are you being led through the calls? (Not good at this point.) Or, on the other hand, are you doing so well that you can help other people who are having trouble? (Great!) At any rate, if you are having trouble, you can: * Review the definitions at * Come to the review session at 7:30 * Try out this week's quiz (below) * Ask me, or any club member, to go over the figures you're having trouble with after any class tip or after the class meeting. We're here to help! I'll see you Tuesday! - Brian This weeks' quiz: After some calls, you end exactly where you started the call. For example, dosado. After other calls you exactly end where you started if you dance them twice in a row, like California Twirl. How many consecutive times must each of these calls be danced before everyone is exactly back where they began? * Starting from facing lines, Box the Gnat * Starting from a squared set, Heads Star Thru * Starting from facing lines, Bend the Line * Starting from facing lines, Ends Run * Starting from back-to-back lines, Men Run * Starting from waves, Circulate * Starting from left-handed waves, Swing Thru * Starting from right-handed waves, Swing Thru * Starting from two-faced lines, Couples Trade * Starting from a squared set, Four Ladies Chain 3/4 (Hint: The answers total to 32.)