Hello class! Lots of important stuff coming up in the next few weeks (and just because I say that every week doesn't mean it's not true. =) ): 5/1 (this Tuesday): Week 11, Hack Tip discussion at class meeting (see below) 5/6 (Saturday): There is some chance that we will be able to have some class-level dancing this weekend during the Tech Squares weekend. There will also be dinner. I'll keep you posted as we're working it out. 5/8: Week 12, Hack Tip voting, late-night dancing (no teaching, class-accessible) until 11 -- Eric Mulder calling 5/15: Week 13 -- Graduation! Hack tips, cake and punch, celebration, etc. In just two more weeks, you will have all finished Plus and will be ready to graduate into the club! This is quite an accomplishment, particularly at the Tech Squares pace. As you have already seen, this club is rather unique in that we dance hard and fast and require quick thinking from our dancers. Other clubs do not offer such a fast-paced class, nor do they dance as vigorously as we do. It may turn out that this club is not for you, but I encourage you to keep coming to our Tuesday dances over the summer so that you can really see what we're about. We'll talk more later about what it's like to be a full club member, but if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. One of the special things we do for graduation is hack tips. The class will choose some modifications and challenge the club to dance a tip with them, and then the club will challenge us with some other modifications. Dancing the hack tips is not required, but recommended because they're a lot of fun. We'll need to pick two different hacks for the club to dance, one for the patter half of the tip and one for the singer half. So, be thinking of ideas! We'll come up with a list this week and finalize our choices next week. Recent hack tips have included: replacing someone in each square with a broomstick that must stay off the ground, everyone has to balance some small object on his/her head, change gender roles when the whistle blows, Ted can call "undo" on any previous call... The possibilities are endless, so think of some by Tuesday night. =) As a Tech Squares member, you will be entitled to wear a stylish plastic Tech Squares badge. I'll be taking orders for them on Tuesday and I hope to put in the order by Friday, so if you won't be there tomorrow and you want a badge, let me know. See you Tuesday! Dana