Hi everyone! Congratulations! You are just four calls short of dancing full Plus! We'll be in Sala this week, with walkthroughs in the West Lounge. If you've missed any classes recently, you want to be at walkthroughs this week. Ted's post-graduation tips are pretty tricky. Your Stylish Plastic Badges are sitting in a magnetic ball on my kitchen table. The following people need to give me badge money on Tuesday: Amy H., Danielle, Frances, Marketa, Matt, Niki, Paul B., Paul H., Robert, Xiao. We need to be prepared for our hack tips for the club. Here's what we picked: Patter: 2 people/square blindfolded, 2 people/square deafened Singer: Head girls start with oranges under their chins that they must hold there while dancing. When Ted calls "swing," those with oranges must pass the orange to the person they would be swinging with, without using their hands. First we need some props. Amy H. has volunteered to bring at least 12 pairs of earplugs. Cori has volunteered to coordinate gathering at least 12 blindfolds. Danielle has volunteered to bring at least 12 oranges. Second, we need two people to announce/explain the hack tips to the club, one for the patter and one for the singer. If you would be comfortable getting up on stage and doing this, let me know. After the hack tips, we will have a grand march, led by Tech Squares founder Veronica McClure. You'll need a club partner for this, and time is always short for graduation, so finding a partner ahead of time is one way to streamline things. After the grand march and the awarding of diplomas, we'll have some cake and then a few tips of club level dancing... featuring you! See you Tuesday! Dana