Hi, all! Coming up on Tuesday is week 3 of our class. We'll be in La Sala again, like last week, and early walk-throughs will be in the West Lounge, also like last week, at 7:30. If you're feeling shaky on any of the calls we've learned so far, it's a good idea to come to early walk-throughs. If you missed last week and intend to continue taking the class, it's a VERY good idea to come to early walk-throughs. If you are taking the class for PE credit and you've missed a week, not only is it a VERY good idea to come to walk-throughs, but you'll need to in order to meet the PE attendance requirement. The definitions for all the calls that we have learned so far are available on the Tech Squares website: http://www.mit.edu/~tech-squares/lessons/ Hard copies of these definitions are always available at the gate table. In addition, here are some links to different websites with animations: http://www.tamtwirlers.org/tamination/ http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~noriks/ENGLISH/English-Index3.html http://www.remus.dti.ne.jp/~jsda/sdtext/sdtext/basicpro-eng.html And, as always, if you have questions or need help, feel free to ask me, Bill, or any club member! Dana