Hi everyone! Week 6 is coming up on Tuesday. Once again, we'll be in Lobdell for dancing and upstairs in 20 Chimneys for walk throughs. If you ever need to know where we're meeting, you can find all of that information here: http://www.mit.edu/~tech-squares/schedules/ The "weekly schedules" link will show you where we are as far in advance as we know. There's also a link on the left sidebar to all of our schedules. Also, please note that next Tuesday, March 20th, falls during MIT's spring break. There will be no teaching that night, but plenty of class-level dancing. It's a good opportunity to solidify what we've already learned without piling on even more calls. If you are taking the class for PE, you will not be penalized for missing this week, but if you have missed a week, this week will make it up for you. I apologize for missing last week. Bill, thank you so much for bailing me out. As of now, it looks like I will be permitted to leave my cubicle to come to class tomorrow. =) And, I hope that all of you who came out to dinner had a good time. Dana