1. Generate motion trajectories using MATLAB (see motion_example.m) on the wiki 2. Load the .pmc file that MATLAB generated onto the PMAC software. 2a. Do this by opening Pewin32PRO2 (make sure that Labview is not running simultaneously and that the power strips are turned on). 2b. In Editor Pro, click "Open". Navigate to "clear_programs.pmc". Currently this is located in Desktop/MOTION CONTROL/clear progs. 2c. Click the yellow "Download" button. 2d. Say "no" to check sums. 2e. The control card is now clear. Load the .pmc file you generated in Step 1. Repeat Steps 2b-2d for this file. 2f. The motion profiles are now loaded onto the control card. 3. Check that the motion profiles work. 3a. Go to Terminal (still in Pewin32Pro2). Press Ctrl+A to turn the linear motors on. Then enter b1 r". This runs the homing routine. 3b. Enter "bX r", where "X" is the program number of a motion you want to test. 3c. Once the motion has finished running, press Ctrl+K to turn the linear motors off. 3d. Close the software. 4. Run the motions while collecting force data. 4a. Open Labview and open "Sequence_with_manual_USE THIS FOR FORCED VIB.vi" which is currently in Desktop/CARRIAGE CONTROL. 4b. Make sure the "Jason" button is green. 4c. Change the parameters as desired. Likely the ones of interest are "Settling time" (time between runs), "# Iterations per program", Path Name. 4d. Check that the carriage velocity is set to the desired speed. You manually change it on the dial on the black box on the electronics bench, if you need to. 4e. Click run. Navigate to a text file you created that has a list of program numbers to run on separate lines. 4f. Click ok. The program will now automatically run through the desired programs for the desired number of iterations, simultaneously collecting force and position data. 5. Process the data. 5a. Refer to the "Code" section of the wiki. Note: If you want to run motions without the carriage moving, simply turn the carriage motor controller (black box) switch off. The automation routine will still run.