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1. How do we enforce international fishing regulations?
apply the basis of the Antarctic treaty to international waters and the polar caps
*how do we manage flag hopping?
economic incentives--make it worthwhile not to flag hop; if you get major players (i.e. China, US, Japan, India) to comply, they can enforce sanctions

* How does the EU function? What regulations does the EU impose? Could these be transferred to the UN?
talk to team 6

2. What body do we get funding from to enforce these laws?
we could form a UN financial committee
UN could "nationalize" the international waters and charge for fishing permits in the international waters
*How would we regulate that?

2a. How do we make countries pay to UN?
UN financial committee to help individual countries analyze their ability to contribute to fishing regulations; i.e. financial consulting
could we create our own international regulatory board outside of the UN? possibly headed by intellectuals?
*how How would that function? Who would head it up? Structure?

3. How do we regulate the polar/deep sea regions? How can we keep track of the fish populations there, the biodiversity, the amount/type of fishing?
