Versions Compared


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  • Americans allowed 'first right' to fishing within American waters
  • Foreign fishing vessels must allow Americans to oversee their actions
  • Secretary of State to publish a list of countries employing illegal fishing methods (ex. use of environmentally harmful fishing nets- 2.5 km drift nets)
  • Secretary of State to issue a report of all marine resources within US territory to be published every two years
  • US does not trade with nations violating international fishing regulations
  • Secretary of State will continue to identify countries that violate international regulations
  • Any entity allowed to fish in US waters must promote fishing safety, fishery conservation and management as well as comply with a list of regulations outlined by the relevant council and the Secretary of State
  • Opinions of fishermen to be taken into account
  • All fishing vessels within US waters must be registered


  • Fish population is decreasing- overfishing
  • Coral Reef dying
  • Biodiversity is decreasing
  • Composition of water changing (salinity)- eutrophication
  • The human population is increasing (especially in developing sountries)- fish demand is increasing
  • Flag-Hopping
  • Technology worsens overfishing
  • Not enough scientific data about the ocean
  • Invasive species
  • Genetic composition of fish changing
  • Food web/ecosystem changing
  • Ignorance and apathy of people


  • End overfishing
  • taxes/quotas
  • Preserve ecosystems
  • New technology/ less destruction
  • Curb pollution
  • Replace food
  • Aquaculture
  • Research/Non-fish


  • treaty

Attendance List
Alex T. Vai
Vrajesh Modi
Adam Bockelie
Brian Ross
Alex M. Jordan
Alex S. Piotrowski
Todd Mooring
Tracey Hayse
Sean Wahl
Eva Cheung
Somani Patnaik
Ivy Huang