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Another example of the economic benefits of marine reserves can be found in the Isles de Medes in Spain.  The general beautification of the area and the simple presence of the reserve generated many tourism, research, and educational opportunities. A study undertaken by TERRA (2003) regarding the economic benefits to the area :-showed significant results.  Over 30,000 beds were added to the hotel capacity of the area
-1s , while over 1200 new places of employment were created
-Revenue .  Fiscally, additional revenue of 3 million Euros per year was earned by the local economy from tourism and recreational activities in the area was generated
-Additional revenue of .  Most importantly, an additional 2.5 million Euros per year was generated from Euroes of revenue were generated via visitors to the MarinePark marine park itself.

Oftentimes, revenues derived from non-extractive uses compare favorably with other more damaging uses of the ocean.  For example, consider that whale watching globally generates more than 1 billion USD in revenue per year (Greenpeace 2007a).  For Iceland in particular, whale-watching generated around 8.5 million USD per year in revenue, as compared to an average of 3.5-4 million USD from whaling in the years before the onset of the IWC moratorium (Greenpeace 2003).  In acknowledgement of such economic realities, the government of Iceland announced in 2007 that it would no longer be issuing commercial whale-hunting quotas (Greenpeace 2007b)
