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Getting Oriented To OpenLaszlo
This page has links to useful documentation. If you are unfamiliar with Open Laszlo, going through "Laszlo in 10 Minutes" is a good idea.


There are some excellent example applications, with source available, at; I'd particularly recommend looking at LZPIX.

Download the latest release from Added
As of the writing of this document, 9/6/2007, release being used is OL 4.0.2.

Installing OpenLaszlo 

Unpack the software wherever you want to install it. Because it has its own embedded version of tomcat, there can be port conflicts if you already have tomcat running on your machine. To prevent any conflicts, edit <OL-Directory>/Server/tomcat-5.0.24/conf/server.xml.

** Change port from 8005 to 8006
<Server port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<!-- * X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_BEGIN ***************************************************
* Copyright 2001-2006 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.     *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                                    *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
  <Service name="LPS">
** Change port from 8080 to 8081
    <Connector port="8081"...