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Deck of Cards
label1. General

    1. Name* : Name of the assignment.
    2. Summary : Description / Summary of the assignment
    3. Category* : Select which Category category the assignment should be associated with. This dropdown will be available if you have created categories.
    4. Allow Graders to View : When this option is checked, grader's will be able to view this assignment.


label2. Grading


    1. Grading Scheme*: The assignment's grading scheme.
      1. Numeric - Assignment is graded using numeric points.
      2. Letter - Assignment is graded using letter grades.
    2. Max Points* : The assignment's maximum points. Only used for Numeric Assignment
    3. Weight* : The weight of the assignment. This field will only display if you are using the average for your grading scheme.


label3. Assignment Content


    1. Add Part : Add an assignment part. Assignments can have multiple assignment parts.
    2. Title* :  Title of the assignment part.
    3. Part Type*: The assignment part type.
      1. Upload File - Select a file to be uploaded. 250MB max file size.
      2. Enter Contents - Enter contents manually into a textbox.


label4. Solution Content


    1. Add Part : Add an assignment part. Assignments can have multiple assignment parts.
    2. Title* :  Title of the assignment part.
    3. Part Type*: The assignment part type.
      1. Upload File - Select a file to be uploaded. 250MB max file size.
      2. Enter Contents - Enter contents manually into a textbox.


label5. Options


    1. Post On Date : When the assignment will be posted to the Calendar.
    2. Due Date* : The due date of the assignment.
    3. Release Solution On Date : The date the solution of the assignment will be released. Only available when the assignment has a solution part.
    4. Assignment Options :
      1. Allow students to submit their work online - Students can upload or enter assignment work through the gradebook. See Student Submissions
      2. Allow late submissions - Students can submit assignment submissions after the due date. Late assignments will be marked as "late".
      3. Allow students to view all other student submissions after due date - After the due date, students will be able to view other student's submissions.
      4. Allow students to comment on all other student submissions after due date - After the due date, students can comment on other student's submissions.

