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With a bunch of new members, as well as old members who didn't necessarily sign up for lists when they (eg) learned a level, it seems like a decent idea to go over our mailing lists again. Many of the lists have received traffic in the last couple weeks, so if you're not sure if you're on it but haven't gotten mail, you should double-check.

*Higher-level dancing*

We have lists for all levels A1-C4 (a1-dancers@, a2-dancers@, ..., c3b-dancers@, c4-dancers@). These lists are unmoderated, and get emails announcing dances at applicable levels (and some other relevant events). Note that multi-level dances are generally sent to only the lowest applicable list, so you should generally join all lists up to your highest level, as an event with A2-C4 dancing might go only to a2-dancers@.

In addition, Challenge-related discussion (recovery skills, how to dance a call, convention plans) sometimes happens on challenge-discuss@ ( ).


For general, relatively low-traffic rounds information join tech-squares-rounds@ ( ).

For Andy's Monday rounds class, join tech-squares-monday-rounds@ ( ).


This list, tech-squares@, is the general, moderated club list, and you're presumably on it if you're reading this. Yay.


We have a longer list of mailing lists on our wiki at .

*Recent mail*

If you aren't sure which lists you're on, note that a2-dancers@, c1-dancers@, and c3a-dancers@ have all gotten mail this week. tech-squares-discuss@, tech-squares-social@, and tech-squares-rounds@/tech-squares-monday-rounds@ (two emails, to both) have all gotten mail this month.
