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2021-05-13 - WG meeting on zoom


2021 October 22nd Working group meeting     

Held on Zoom
Attending (in alphabetical order):  Sunil Chandra, Hannah Earnshaw, Karl Forster, Felix Fuerst, Elisabeth Jourdain, Jamie Kennea, Renee Ludlam, Kristin Madsen, Herman Marshall, Katja Pottschmidt, Pedro Rodriguez, Celia Sanchez, Maria Santos-Lleo, Norbert Schartel, Yukikatsu Terada, Josh Wing

There were four presentations made during the working group meeting sparking a lively and constructive conversation. The meeting began with a reminder about the calibration observation information posted on the working group google sheets (

Report on recent coordinated calibration observations:
1ES 0229+200
The observations were organized to investigate the possibility of using this blazar for future cross-calibration campaigns based on the report from Norbert Schartel and Felix Fuerst presented at the last working group meeting. Coordinated observations were performed between 2021-08-08 to 14 by the following observatories:


ObservatoryExposure time (ks)  ...and at other wavelengths
Astrosat160 LAXPC (40 ks UVIT) ATOMBVRI
NICER45.9 Effelsberg 100m2cm and 14mm bands
NuSTAR107+65+63 H.E.S.STeV 10 ks/day
Swift20 MAGIC30 GeV - 100 TeV


Coordinated observation by INTEGRAL, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR continue with the goal of refining the NuSTAR and XMM-pn calibration. Observations coordinated with the IXPE schedule (currently 2022-02-21) are also planned.

3C 273
The annual multi-mission cross-calibration campaign will continue in 2022. Note that an IXPE observation is currently planned for 2022-06-16.

Cross-Calibrations of X-ray Satellites with Quasar 3C 273 - Corin Marasco & Kristin Chapman   (pdf)
  • Kristin Madsen presented the analysis by Corin Marasco of the XMM-Newton, Chandra, NuSTAR, and Swift observations of 3C 273 that have been performed annually since 2015. 
  • This is an extension of the work presented in Madsen et al. (2017) AJ 153, 2 
  • Joint fitting of the spectra from pairs of observations with matching Good Time Intervals were examined in bands:
  • 3-7 keV for NuSTAR + Chandra/Swift/XMM-Newton pairs
  • 1-5 keV for Chandra/Swift/XMM-Newton pairs
  • Absorbed power-law model (zpow*cflux*tbabs) used to examine the measured flux relative to the model flux
  • Example for 2017 observations:
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Model parameters from the 2017 observations

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Cross normalization constants from the pairs of observations are shown on the left. Note:

    • The Swift fluxes appear relatively high - perhaps due to the extraction annulus used - the analysis will be checked wit the Swift team
    • Analysis above 1 keV chosen to avoid known soft excess in 3C 273 spectrum
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  • Communication with the Chandra team is underway to check the Chandra analysis
  • The NuSTAR analysis will be redone with the updated calibration released this month (2021 October)
  • NICER observations will also be folded into the analysis (Renee Ludlam)
  • Analysis will be extended to evaluate within the concordance framework (arXiv)
    • Flux ratio examined in narrow energy bands - model independent
  • There is some complexity to the XMM spectrum - Felix Fuerst
    • with correlated residuals between instruments
  • Work is continuing and will include the 2021 XMM-Newton observations as well as the NICER observations.


2021 May 13th Working group meeting     
