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{excerpt}A mathematical approximation to the restoring behavior of springs and other elastic solids under small deformations.{excerpt}

||Page Contents||

h2. Motivation for Concept

Elastic objects are objects which rebound to their original shape from a temporary deformation.  All solids are basically elastic under small deformations, but "small" is a relative term.  A metal ball, for instance, is only elastic for deformations that are so small as to be invisible to the naked eye.  If you press the ball hard enough to deform it noticeably, it will retain a dent.  A rubber ball is elastic under a much wider range of deformations, and can have its shape noticeably changed temporarily without causing a permanent dent.    

The elastic properties of objects is vital to understanding the engineering of all structures, from airplanes to skyscrapers.  As such, Hooke's description of the restoring force produced by an object undergoing _elastic deformation_ is an extremely useful piece of mathematics, and has acquired the title "Hooke's Law", even though it is not a universal Law in the same sense as, e.g. [Newton's 2nd Law|Newton's of Universal Gravitation|gravitySecond Law].  Hooke's "Law" is really a parameterization, so that every situation requires a different value for which is only valid for deformations small enough that the object is in the elastic regime.  forceThis constantfact (contrastdoes thisnot withdetract Newton'sfrom Lawits ofenormous Gravityutility, withsince itskeeping universal _G_).  This fact does not detract from its enormous utilitystructural members in an elastic state is often a goal in engineering.  Objects experiencing elastic deformation are often said to "obey Hooke's Law".  Hooke's Law is most frequently used to describe the resoring force of springs, which are objects designed to "spread out" large deformations over a series of coils, so that the complete object can change shape dramatically while each portion of the coil deforms only a relatively small amount.

h4. Elastic Potential Energy

Assuming an object attached to a spring that obeys Hooke's Law with the motion confined to the _x_ direction, it is customary to choose the coordinates such that _x_ = 0 when the object is in a position such that the spring is at its natural length.  The force on the object from the spring is then:

{latex}\begin{large}\[ \vec{F} = - kx \hat{x} \]\end{large}{latex}

It is also customary to make the assignment:

{latex}\begin{large}\[ U(0) \equiv 0\]\end{large}{latex}

Thus, the potential can be defined:

{latex}\begin{large}\[ U(x) = U(0) - \int_{0}^{x} (-kx)\:dx = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2}\]\end{large}{latex}

For an object moving under the influence of a spring only, the associated potential energy curve would then be:


The graph indicates the presence of one stable equilibrium point at _x_ = 0.