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MIT Libraries Digital Operations Team - 21 April 2009


<h2>Best Best Practices in general</h2>general

->What are the standard parts of a best practice (for documentation)
    -->For file naming we have identified:
        --->Use cases
    -->Thinking about adding:
        --->Reference to larger workflow that filenaming is a part of
    -->What are we missing that's standard?

<h2>File disposition</h2>File disposition

->Do we need a checkout system for master copies on DSpace Images


->See disposition rules in discussion notes section
->Keep minutes(Decisions, Actions items) on wiki
->Start documenting file dispositions by identifying use cases
    -->document existing practices

<h1>Action Items</h1>Action Items

->Look for standard forms or templates for Best Practice documentation (Rob)
->Research practices for file disposition at other institutions

<h1>Discussion Notes</h1>

Discussion Notes

Disposition <h2>Disposition Rules:</h2>

->DSpace Images contains the master copies
->Never replace files on DSpace Images
    -->Exception: When files are damaged or misnamed. Limited number of people who can do this.  Can we get a witness.
<h2>Current Current disposition examples:</h2>
->External hard drive source (Kepes-Lynch)
->Document Services source (CommForum, CEEPR)
->Batch downloading over the network (Sloan Working Papers)
->Web scraping (CommForum)

See someone else's notes
<h1>Notes Notes from last DOT meeting</h1>meeting


->How do we fit file naming into our "Workflow"
    -->How do we disseminate the file naming practices
    -->Who does the naming: where, when


->File naming scheme approved by DOT
->File disposition practices need to be collected and documented at next meeting

Action items

->Approach Tech Ops about more space on DSpace Images
->Document notes from meeting on wiki


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