Versions Compared


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Base Software to Install on VM

In creating the initial VM for piloting, we want to identify which software should be installed.  There is a base set of software enumerated here that would be a minimum we would consider.  There is additional software, particularly Academic packages that support the GIRs that will be explored as to whether they should be included.  Those are enumerated in the next section.  The final deliverables will include a script for installing the software and configuring the Windows VM so it can be reused for future versions and by DLCs doing local enhancements.


  • Update mechanism - Operating System and applications
    • unfortunately not doable automatically and provide flexibility to install additional software or configure printers
  • Enabling snapshots to get them back to a working VM (User education needed)
  • Keep User Data Safe - separate as best as possible and user education

Additional GIR Software

There are licensing concerns to address before including each package.
