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*1th* *iLab Europe Workshop* jointly organized and presented by MIT/CECI and CUAS/CCOL.


This workshop is about the development of remote laboratories, applicable within the iLab Shared Architecture (ISA), as well as the migration of existing labs to ISA.




Monday, 16 November 2009

_Monday_, 16 November 2009



  • Welcome and introduction to the iLab Europe project (Michael Auer)
  • The iLab Shared Architecture - Introduction and overview (Jim Hardison)
  • The iLab service broker and how it is used - Demonstration and discussion
  • How to setup an iLab service broker (Jim Hardison, Danilo Garbi Zutin)* 18:00 - Transfer to Hotel

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


  • Similarities/differences between and possible integration with other remote lab architectures (Jim Hardison)
  • Development of iLabs/migration of existing experiments to ISA - Bached labs (Danilo Garbi Zutin, Jim Hardison)


  • Development of iLabs/migration of existing experiments to ISA - Interactive Labs (Jim Hardison, Danilo Garbi Zutin)
  • The interactive ISA support for LabVIEW
  • Demonstrations and discussions

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


  • The lab2go online lab repository (Christian Maier, Michael Niederstätter)
  • Discussion about new development ideas/concerns

The workshop venue is:

Fachhochschule Kärnten (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences)
Europastrasse 4
A-9524 Villach, Austria
Conference Room 4th floor

We have already registered participants from:

  • University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • University of Genua, Italy
  • Buskerud University, Norway
  • University of Deusto, Portugal
  • Blekinge University, Sweden
  • TU Ilmenau, Germany
  • National Instruments



* Welcome and introduction to the iLab Europe project (Michael Auer)
* The iLab Shared Architecture - Introduction and overview (Jim Hardison)
* The iLab service broker and how it is used - Demonstration and discussion
* How to setup an iLab service broker (Jim Hardison, Danilo Garbi Zutin)

_Tuesday_, 17 November 2009


* Similarities/differences between and possible integration with other remote lab architectures (Jim Hardison)
* Development of iLabs/migration of existing experiments to ISA - Bached labs (Danilo Garbi Zutin, Jim Hardison)


* Development of iLabs/migration of existing experiments to ISA - Interactive Labs (Jim Hardison, Danilo Garbi Zutin)
* The interactive ISA support for LabVIEW
* Demonstrations and discussions

_Wednesday_, 18 November 2009

* The lab2go online lab repository (Christian Maier, Michael Niederstätter)
* Discussion about new development ideas/concerns

The workshop venue is:
| *Fachhochschule Kärnten (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences)* \\
*Europastrasse 4* \\
*A-9524 Villach, Austria* \\
*Conference Room 4th floor* |

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Participants come from:
* Blekinge University,      Sweden
* Buskerud University, Norway
* Carinthia University of      Applied Sciences Villach, Austria
* FH Campus Wien, Austria
* Massachusetts Institute      of Technology Cambridge, USA
* National Instruments
* TU Ilmenau, Germany
* University Brasov,      Romania
* University of Deusto, Portugal
* University of Genua, Italy
* University of Stuttgart, Germany

In case you are interested to participate on the workshop contact [Prof Auer|] .