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\[Although I'm not sure that these two topics are at the right level of abstraction, it appears that we need additional topics...\]

o   Is the implementation of AUX Usability/Accessibility/Training/Docs  recommendations something CSS wants to require going forward?  and  “How do we envision requiring these elements in MIT enterprise applications?”

  1. What, if anything, is the role of AUX in removing pain points in using MIT enterprise systems?
    1. Is the implementation of AUX (e.g., Usability, Accessibility, Training, Docs) recommendations something CSS wants to require going forward?
    2. If so, how do we envision requiring these elements in MIT enterprise applications?
    3. Should the business (e.g., non-IS&T) have overall responsibility and ownership and solely engage IS&T to apply technology to meet their business needs?
    4. ->What are the biggest technical pain points you experience or see clients experience with the products/services we support.?
  2. If MIT decides to decustomize our enterprise applications, where should AUX focus on our training and documentation efforts on:
    1. MIT specific applications
    2. desktop Desktop applications
    3. other

My questions (Barbara) are a bit less specific but prompted by my reading and thinking about the IT @ MIT Task Force report:
