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Wiki Markup

* [Advanced Macros Plugin]
* [Attachment Extractors]
* [Basic Macros Plugin](/)
* [Booking Plugin](/)
* [Calendar Plugin](/)
* [Composition Plugin]
* [Content Formatting Macros] (/)
* [Dynamic Task List Plugin](/)
* [Gliffy Plugin]
* [Google Maps Plugin]
* [HTML Plugin]
* [IM Presence Plugin]
* [Information Macros]
* [Job Manager Plugin]
* [LaTeX Plugin]
* [Layout Macros Plugin]
* [Live Search Macros plugin]
* [Office Connector Plugin]
* [Page Tree]
* [Profile Macros Plugin]
* [Scaffolding Plugin]
* [Slideshow Plugin]
* [Survey Macros plugin]
* [Table of Contents Plugin]
* [Tabular Metadata Plugin]
* [User Lister]
* [User Status]
* [WebDAV Plugin]
* [Widget Connector]


Wiki Markup

{deck:id=Advanced Macros|width=907px}

h4. Advanced Macros

This plugin provides many macros which generates information on Wiki content.

h5. This plugin includes the following macros:

* *listlabels* -- Displays the pages for a label in a pretty matrix.
* *content-by-user* -- List all the content created by a particular user.
* *children* -- List all the children of a page (and possibly their children).
* *search* -- Perform a full-text search, and include the results in the page.
* *index* -- Create an index of all pages within the space.
* *rss* -- Retrieve a remote RSS feed and summarise it in the page.
* *blog-posts* -- View, summarise or list the most recent news items in the space.
* *excerpt* -- Mark a section of a page as an excerpt for page summaries.
* *excerpt-include* -- Include the excerpt from one page within another page.
* *include* -- Include the full content of one page within another page.
* *gallery* -- Create a thumbnail gallery from a page's attachments.
* *doc* -- Link to the documentation using the doc macro.
* *change-history* -- Show the history of version comments.
* *popular-labels* -- List the most popular labels.
* *contentbylabel* -- List the pages labelled by a specified set of labels.
* *favpages* -- List the pages in your favourites list.
* *related-labels* -- List the related labels for a given set of labels, or for the current page.
* *recently-used-labels* -- List the labels that have been used recently.
* *navmap* -- Displays the pages for a label in a pretty matrix.

{card:label=Excerpt / Include

The Include macro displays the contents of one Wiki page in another. If the page is from another space, you will need to include the space name.
h3. The Code :
{include:HELP:Wiki Markup Editor}
h3. What you will get :
The page 'Wiki Markup Editor' from the wiki space 'HELP' is not displayed on this page:
{include:HELP:Wiki Markup Editor}
h3. Parameters
{note:title=The 'space' parameter is case sensitive.}

The Excerpt Macro is used to mark a part of a page's content for re-use. By itself, the excerpt macro does not change the display of a page. However, defining an excerpt enables other macros such as *excerpt-include* and *blog-posts* macros to display the specified content elsewhere.
{note:title=A page can only have *ONE* excerpt.}
h3. The Code :
Content to be included on another page.
h3. What you will get :
Content to be included on another page.
h3. Parameters
|hidden|(x)|false|Controls whether the text between the excerpt tags will appear on that page when users read it.|

This macro allows a portion of a page to 'excerpted' in another. To use this macro you must define the 'excerpted' content with the *excerpt* macro.
h3. The Code :
With a panel:
{excerpt-include:Advanced Macros Plugin}
Without a panel:
{excerpt-include:Advanced Macros Plugin|nopanel=true}
h3. What you will get :
This is pulling the excerptthe plugin libraries navigation bar, which was created onusing the *excerpt* and *excerpt-include* macro page.
*With a panel:*
{excerpt-include:Advanced Macros Plugin}
Without a panel:
 macros. The panel displays the name of the page where the 'excerpted' is being pulled from. It can be removed by adjusting the 'nopanel' parameter (see below):

{excerpt-include:Advanced Macros Plugin|nopanel=true}

h3. Parameters
{card}|nopanel|(x)|false|Controls whether the square panel border around the excerpt should be removed. Also controls whether the name of the page where the 'excerpted' content is being pulled from is displayed.|












