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GR1 - Task analysis

User analysis

  1. List Owners Users (users people who have accounts)
    Online shoppers, mostly aged between 18 and 30, who are looking for a way to keep track of items they like online
  2. List Viewers (users who may Non-users (people who do not have accounts)
    Friends and family of the list ownersusers, also mostly aged between 18 5 and 3060, who are interested in what the list owners users like and may want to buy items for them

Task analysis

Tasks for List OwnersUsers

  1. Manage wish list
    Goal: to keep track of items you like while shopping online
    1. Add an item
      Preconditions: have a link or descriptive words for an item
      Frequency: fairly often, while browsing online stores
    2. Delete an item
    3. View items currently in wish list
  2. Share wish list (by link)
    Goal: to show friends/family items you like or may want to buy
    1. Share all items in list
    2. Share sub-list
  3. Exploring friends' wish lists
    Goal: to see what items your friends who use the site like
    1. View (Facebook) friends who own lists
    2. View items in a friend's wish list
    3. Comment on items in a friend's wish list
    4. View recently added items from all friends

Tasks for List ViewersNon-users

  1. View a wish list
    Goal: to see what a list owner user likes and possibly buy an item for him/her
    1. View items in a list owneruser's wish list
      Precondition: have a link to the wish list
    2. Go Jump to shopping page (Amazon, etc.)
