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We are targeting MIT undergraduate students, all of whom eat. A major division exists in our user population between students who are on a meal plan and those who are not. Each of these two groups have their own subgroups. For those on a meal plan, there are students who are on the MIT House Dining plan (where a certain number of meals are provided every day in certain dorms), and there are those who are on the meal plan of some living group (like a fraternity, sorority, or independent living group). Among the students who are not on a meal plan, there are those students who cook regularly and those who eat out regularly.

Task analysis

I. Manage presence on website
Subtasks: (see below)* Create an account


  • Enter information pertaining to the food eaten, such as:** Type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, other)** Date
    • What food items were eaten*** User can optionally choose this from the list of food in possession
    • Optionally for each food item:** * Amount of item eaten** Food group that item belongs to
      • Calories
      • Cost
  • Submit information
  • As an alternative to the above, if a user is a member of a Group (see section IV below), user can simply import a Group food entry to own food log** User can further edit this entry once it is imported (e.g. to delete items he or she did not actually eat, or to add items)


  • Specify the type of analytics desired. Can sort by trends in:** Proportions of different food groups** Food costs
    • Calorie consumption

Possible errors:* User specified impossible date range (going backwards in time)


    • Accept invitation
  • Choice 2:** Locate Group** Request permission to join Group

Possible errors:* Users can’t locate a desired Group


  • Enter information pertaining to the food eaten, such as:** Type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, other)** Date
    • What food items were eaten*** User can optionally choose this from the list of food in possession
    • Optionally for each food item:** * Amount of item eaten** Food group that item belongs to
      • Calories
      • Cost
  • Submit information
