Versions Compared


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Jennifer creates a new project, inviting the rest of her group to be part of it.  Jennifer writes the first section of the fic, and posts it.  Troll reads Jennifer’s section and comments on it, offensively.  Jennifer uses her power as a moderator to delete Troll’s comment. 

  • Designs
    • Design 1


  • Design 2
  • Main page. Jennifer clicks the large button at the bottom of the scene to log in
  • Once logged in, Jennifer sees this page, listing the projects she's working on, and the projects she has saved as her favourites
  • By clicking the Create button at the bottom of the screen, Jennifer navigates to a page allowing her to create a new project
  • Jennifer saves the new project and begins working on it
  • After Jennifer has posted her new section, and left, Troll reads Jennifer's section and posts a rude comment
  • Jennifer, returning, uses her power as moderator to delete the comment by clicking the underlined delete below the comment. A confirmation dialogue will pop up to ensure that she realizes that she is deleting that particular comment.
  • Analysis: Learnabilibity
    • The nonstandard screen arrangement may make it difficult for new users to locate other necessary buttons and links. discuss wheel metaphor
  • Analysis: Visibility
    • Screen real estate concerns. Good big buttons on the edge of the screen. Can see old text when entering new.
  • Analysis: Efficiency
    • The interface has an internally consistent shape and location of buttons, which allows new users to intuit where the most necessary buttons will be for their current task.
  • Analysis: Error Prevention
    • Everything has cancel buttons; delete comments (and sections, though not discussed in this storyboard) will have confirmation dialogues
