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GR1 - Task analysis

Our objective for BucketList is to create a simple, easy-to-use resource for categorizing and sharing to-do lists among multiple users.

  • CRUD "buckets," or groups of tasks, that can be shared between users.
  • CRUD tasks and assign them to multiple users.
  • Write notes related to tasks for other people working on the task or in the bucket to see.
  • People who keep track of group projects / tasks shared among groups 
  • People who have a set way of organizing their tasks
  • People who want a simple interface for personal to-do lists and task management

Other than that, our product is not designed for any particular age group, personality type, set of interests, or technical ability. In addition, we have a single user class.  All users use the same interface, regardless of any features pertaining to the user or their particular projects.


  • Each user (by which we mean the physical person of the user) must be associated with exactly one account, which is in turn associated with a single username and password.  Each username is associated with exactly one account.
  • Every account is associated with 0+ buckets.  In turn, each of these buckets is associated with 1+ accounts.  This is because buckets can be shared between users.  We do not distinguish between a bucket’s creator and the other users who are sharing it, but if a bucket were to be associated with zero accounts at any point, it would cease to exist.
  • Every bucket contains a set of 0+ tasks.  Each of these tasks is associated with 0+ accounts, all of which must also be associated with the bucket that contains that task.  (A task is allowed to be “unassigned”---in other words, not associated with any account.)
  • Every task is associated as well with a number of notes.  Each note is associated with exactly one account – that of the user who wrote it.
