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After his snack, Rob checks EventHub before heading out. His friends Jake and Amy have RSVPed to his event, so he knows he’ll definitely have people to play with. When he shows up to Dupont, two other guys he doesn’t know are there too. New pickup buddies, nice.

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This is the homepage that all users see when they first come to the EventHub page. At the top of every page is a menu bar to navigating through options: homepage (logo), the user's events (attending and administering), the user's profile if he is logged in, their friends, and the option to create an event. Similarly, there is a link to login or register above the menubar, which is replaced with the user's name after login. 

When an event is created, the creator tags it with descriptive words. For example, a pickup basketball game may be tagged with words like "basketball", "pickup game", and "sports". These tags are used for the dominating feature on the main page: the tag cloud. This shows the users all event types happening within the specified distance and time (as determined by the user's input in the sidebar). The user can also specify if they would like to see events posted publicly to all, just under the tags they have chosen to follow, or posted by their friends. This is also editable in the sidebar. 

When a user clicks a tag in the cloud, events with that tag meeting the specifications are displayed below in a list with short details: location, time, poster, and other tags. The user can click the event to be taken to the main event page. Image Added
An event page is a full window page that contains all information about an event: title, poster, time, location, description, map, comments, and if logged in, an RSVP button, list of attendees, and comment entry box. This page is also headed by the standard menu bar. Image Added
The My Events page contains all future events the user can administer or to which the user has RSVPed. The sidebar on the left contains a list of all the user's events with short identifying details; the main box contains all event details. If the user is an administrator for the event, he can edit event details on this page. 

If the user has not logged in, this page will be empty except for a login prompt.

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A user's profile page contains their identifying information: picture, name, info blurb, and tags they are following. The user's own page is editable; other users' pages only display their information. The user can get to their own profile from the "Profile" tab in the menu bar. A user may see others' profiles by clicking their name from anywhere on the site.

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An event creation page, accessible through the "Create an event" tab in the menubar, contains text boxes for all event information: title, location, time, tags, description, other administers, and comment enabling.