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This design uses simple lists to display all the information. This design mostly relies on text to convey the information. Lists are sortable, and the list of games is searchable through filters. 


Task: Register[page_login.jpg|^page_login.jpg]

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Kevin makes his way to the Pickfind site, and he encounters the login page. He must first login or create a new account in order to view the game listings. Kevin registers for an account by clicking on the “Register” link. To register, Kevin is led to the “Profile Page”, where he is asked to fill in his personal information and preference in order to create his profile.

Task: Create Game [page_mycreategame.jpg|^page_mycreategame.jpg]

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Kevin’s friend, George Karl, creates a new game so that others can join. He fills in all the necessary fields, and creates it so that the game can be found on the public listings. 

Task: Search/Filter for Game

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After Kevin registers, he is directed to the main page, where has can see a list of all available games at his location and has the option of creating and joining games. The menu bar on the left allows the user to access their profile, buddy list, game history and also to create a new game. Kevin uses the search filters to find the game created by George Karl. Wanting to get more information about the game before joining, so he clicks the “Details” arrow. 

Task: Join Game

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Kevin browses details about the game, and finds that it is a good match for him. He sees that his friends are playing, so he decides to join. 

Task: Add buddies

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Kevin then decides to add the other players signed up in George Karl’s game to his buddy list. After adding them, he goes to see his entire list of friends by clicking the “My buddies” link on the left menu. 

Task: Edit Public Profile

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Kevin, thinking he should put up a little message/note to introduce himself on his public profile, goes back to his profile page to update his information.

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Kevin goes through the main listings and joins a few more games he’s interested in. Before closing the PickFind window, Kevin does a quick check on the status of his games. He clicks “My Games” on the left menu, and sees a list of games he has joined. Happy with what he sees, he closes PickFind, and goes to study for a looming mid-term. 
