Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Creating and Managing an Account

Interacting with MyWeb

  Sharing the Bookmarks

User #1

  • Pressed "add" before entering address
  • Typed in address of Microsoft, rather than using "saved locations" bar
  • Very confused about what to do in general
  • No idea what to do about time
  • Pressed "save trip" after entering every leg
  • Unclear about what "underlined things" are (i.e. name of trip)
  • Noted consistency problem between "approve" and "accept" in the two different panels
  • Derided "add trendline" feature as unnecessary
  • Confusion about current state/mode ("am I in department, year, overview??")
  • Confusion about what can be clicked and what can't be ("sometimes its the graph, sometimes its the buttons?"). Tended to click on buttons only
  • To access individual department, clicks on the name in the legend, rather than the piece of the pie.
  • Quotes of note: "Where am I?" "What am I doing?" "Is everything clickable?" "Stack is not clear!" "How do I get back?"

User #2

  • Confused about how to use "end date"
  • Confused about how to use address bar versus saved locations
  • Didn't know the map of the trip was below the scroll
  • Pressed "save trip" after entering every leg
  • Thought "balance" was how much the checked trips added up to.
  • Confusion around "accept" and "approve" just like first user
  • Delight: "Oh, the total changes!" (after they approve Phyllis' trip)
  • Doubt: "I'm assuming the math is good"

(Note: didn't have much time for this one as it occurred at the end of class)

  • Expressed mode/state confusion
  • Clicked only on buttons
  • Easily found the way to sign-up
  • Had no trouble importing bookmarks during sign-up
  • Took a long time to figure out how to import more bookmarks once logged-in
  • Quickly and easily found how to add/delete folders
  • When adding a bookmark to a folder, was looking in the folders separation for a button instead of the separation where the bookmarks are displayed. 
  • Interacting and searching through to folders was fast and easy.
  • When deleting a folder, expected an alert/confirmation window.
  • Easily found how to share a bookmark.
  • Was clear about the information necessary for sharing.
  • Expected an alert/confirmation when hitting the "share" button.

User #2




User #3




User #3

  • Was looking for more detail on the trip to New Jersey (what hotel did she stay in for example)
  • Was looking for other expenses besides mileage
  • Pointed out that trip was not consistent (one leg ended in New Jersey, the next leg started in New York - where did she go in between?)
  • Clicks on "department" to navigate to department, rather than clicking on graph.
    • Upon click, expected to see a list of departments, rather than a pie chart of the distribution
  • Didn't know how to get down to the employee level - there was no button on the side
  • Would like to see how much each approver approved
  • Would like to see buttons with pictures of the graph type (trend line and pie chart), rather than a drop down
  • Registered surprise that some people didn't have the analyze tab, but acknowledged that it might make sense in the context of a business.

    Prototype iteration