Versions Compared


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Wiki Markup
After logging in, the user is greeted on the top right corner with "Welcome, \[username\]". There is a splash image that gives the user some directions on how to use the website. We plan to simplify this image by showing a three step procedure: 1. Create a party playlist, 2. Vote on songs you like, 3. Party like a rockstar\!

After searching for "Mardi Gras," the user is shown a list of parties with the closest match appearing first. We plan to include more information about the party including date/time in future iterations.

Wiki Markup
Here's a flashback to when the party promoter just created a new playlist for "Mardi Gras Party." He entered the party information on the homepage \[figure. 1\] and is shown an empty playlist with an "upload track" that open a file selection dialogue when clicked. We plan to include a "Share" feature in future iterations that give the user the options to place the link to this playlist on Facebook and other social media sites.


Scenario Tasks

