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Prototype Photos

Design 1


Comments on the above design: 

Users had some difficulty understanding how to add photos inside the photo gallery widget. We had hoped that having a "click to add photos" dummy picture in the gallery would give sufficient hints, but we found that the widget was still quite foreign.

Similarly, they didn't know what the arrows next to the photo widget did. We had hoped that users would be familiar with this style of gallery widget, but apparently it's still quite novel.

We had intended the behavior of Click-To-Edit to be that clicking anywhere outside would save the changes. However, users found this confusing and wanted explicit "Save" and "Cancel" buttons to accompany the text box.

The sign up buttons were too prominent because the users didn't realize that they could do pretty much everything other than hire the photographer without being a member of the website.

The "natural text input" box raised some questions. Users appreciated the example provided but weren't sure about what to do when their query didn't exactly match the pattern (for example, when they had more or fewer details to supply).

We wanted users to type the photographer's name in the natural text input box on the home page to find photographers, but this was too subtle. The problem was compounded by the fact that the single example on the homepage about using the text box was on finding photographers for events.

We wanted to give users the ability to save photographers and remove them from their search results. The goal was to make the search results page be the list of candidates which users would narrow down after viewing profiles. However, both the "remove" and 'save search" were not visible and no one noticed that they could even do this.

Design 2



Design 3

