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-"Good for company/group meetings"
-Suggested that we have more affordances for "payer" (should indicate that organizer is the one paying)
-Didn't seem to agree with concept.

User 2 Test



Wiki Markup
\-Invited friends first (rather than choosing restaurant)
\-"This looks very much like the facebook thing" (in reference to add friends)
\-"This seems like what I would do to pick the place, but then there's this order thing"
\-"Don't know if \[optional message\] is some sort of chat thing"
\-"Feels strange. Feels permanent." (on send invite)
(At communal restaurant selection)
\-Torn between clicking "choose" and clicking check box
\-Notices that his friends are starting to check boxes
\-"Looks like Jenny voted twice. (oh, they can do that)"
\-"I'm going to wait for people"
\-Confused a bit because count looked like radio button (when it was at zero)
(At ordering)
\-"I want to go family style."
\-"I was planning on adding this item and then splitting this item"
\-Splitting seemed to work.
\-Wait, are we offering splitting to things that have already been ordered?
\-Sit here and wait. Seems to be a need for check box.
\-"Pressing \[review and submit\] will move everyone forward"
\-Review and submit highlighted
\-User doesn't seem to be sure what's going on elsewhere. More affordances for done?


-Couple things that didn't seem obvious. If I was invited, done button? After the first time, totally get it. First time, wasn't inherently obvious. Basically, need more affordances for being done.
-Would get the idea with the red and green background thumbnails. However, less obvious of the color change. (when presented with option of thumbnail photos toggling between green and red to indicate "done".
-In the actual menu, maybe highlight things that have been ordered?
-Fairly easy to order family style.

User 3 Test



-"I guess I want to get Indian" (clicks easily)
-"So, is there going to be a list of Indian restaurants (highlighting fail-prototype didn't include list of Indian restaurants)"
-Tries to initially choose food when viewing menu of restaurant (in initial selection phase)
    -Assumes order is saved somewhere
-"Is add friends a link?"
-Tried to hit "Send invite" without adding friends
(At communal restaurant selection)
-"These are restaurants?"
-Seemed to understand after votes began to come in
(At ordering)
-"Now I can order food?"
-"So this is periodically updating? So I have to wait for this thing to be done first?" (didn't seem to get social aspect)
-No affordances for waiting until friends are done. Rather, doesn't indicate what happens if you send an order without everyone ordering.


-Forcing to invite friends before ordering. Wanted to choose food first.
-Maybe the initial list wasn't clear?
-Confused by "Invite friends" vs "Send invite". Perhaps Send invite should be grayed out.
-Robot didn't help.


-There are many permanent aspects of our interface that we need to make more clear. Today, we had a lot of people finishing the order before all of their friends had ordered. With our initial design, the other users would basically get kicked out of that order (permanent and destructive action). Either we need to find a way to make the permanence more obvious or we need to make the fallback option less destructive (ie, put users who haven't ordered into another order).
