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Send an email invitation to a friend who might not know about this website yet and you want to introduce him/her to the website.

Task 4: Find trips


Task 2: 

Task 3:

Task 4:

User 2User 3


Female student at MIT, course 9. She is a sailor and has little experience designing websites. Is a heavy user of social networking websites. Fits target population since she travels back and forth and enjoys documenting her trips. Proficient in English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Korean.

Task 1: Completed task smoothly and without any mistakes. Task took less than 30 seconds.

Task 2: Found the Add Trip button very quickly and added the trip without any hesitation.

Task 3: Was first confused about how to search for a friend  (either search by e-mail or by checking the world insider search tool) but after a little prompting was able to complete the task without any hesitation.

Task 4: Was a little disoriented about how to search for a country until she read the My Maps and was able to search trips easily and extremely quickly.  

Overall feedback: Seemed like there was unnecessary clicking at some points such as selecting the trip from the list and then clicking the "View Trips" button. But other than that the website was very intuitive and easy to use. She said that it was very useful and would love to see it in the real world!

User 3


Female student at MIT. Course 20. Is a sailor and has no experience designing website. Is a programmer and is proficient in Python, Matlab and Java. Speaks English, Spanish and French. Travels internationally at least once a year and loves to document her trips. Is a great candidate for a user of the website. 

Task 1: First tried to sign in without creating a new profile but then was prompted that her username did not exist in the database. She then immediately created a profile and logged in. This was a smooth transition and showed that the process of a new user to log in is very streamlined. 

Task 2: Completed task smoothly and without any delays. Loved the neatness of the interface

Task 3: Completed task smoothly and without any delays. 

Task 4: Couldn't find out how to find other people's trips. Didn't know that My Map showed everyone else's travels and thought that it showed her personal map network. After some prompting, she understood how to complete her task. 


Discuss what you learned over the course of the iterative design process. If you did it again, what would you do differently? Focus in this part not on the specific design decisions of your project (which you already discussed in the Design section), but instead on the meta-level decisions about your design process: your risk assessments, your decisions about what features to prototype and which prototype techniques to use, and how you evaluated the results of your observations.
