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GR6-User Testing




"You heard about a new website for managing bookmarks from your friends and you decide to check it out. You land on a page that you are seeing right now. We will give you a few tasks that aim to test this user interface. Please think aloud and feel free to explore the interface."


  • Share 6.813 stellar page bookmark with your friend Jovana. 
    • What do you need to know for this task?
    • How would you obtain it?




Creating and Managing an Account

Interacting with MyWeb

Sharing the Bookmarks

User #1

  • Easily found the way to sign-up
  • Had no trouble importing bookmarks during sign-up
  • Took a long time to figure out how to import more bookmarks once logged-in
  • Quickly and easily found how to add/delete folders
  • When adding a bookmark to a folder, was looking in the folders separation for a button instead of the separation where the bookmarks are displayed. 
  • Interacting and searching through to folders was fast and easy.
  • When deleting a folder, expected an alert/confirmation window.
  • Easily found how to share a bookmark.
  • Was clear about the information necessary for sharing.
  • Expected an alert/confirmation when hitting the "share" button.

User #2

  • When creating an account was not sure whether the "Name" box asks for the actual name or the username.
  • Is not sure how to import more bookmarks when already logged in.
  • When adding a new bookmark, thought of putting the link to the webpage in the "Name" box instead of the URL box. 
  • When moving a bookmark from one folder to the other by drag and drop, was not sure whether the bookmark gets removed from the original folder or just copied to the new one.
  • Could easily find how to share a bookmark
  • Was not sure if it was possible to share a folder.
  • Expected an alert/confirmation when hitting the "share" button.

User #3

  • Tried to click on the website description steps from the intro page.
  • Was actually able to import more bookmarks when already logged in.
  • Thought that the search box searches in the Web and not through the bookmarks. 
  • Expected some feedback that the URL worked when adding a new bookmark.
  • When trying to view all the folders, tried to select all the folders or do an empty search instead of selecting the "All" folder.
  • Took some time to locate the share button
  • Realized how share works once the button was located.
  • Was unclear about the function of the share button, i.e. does it share a bookmark or the folder the user is in?

