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Home page

We decided to make the main portion of our web site have a page-like border instead of having contents all across the screen. Since using this website would involve a lot of reading, having the (mostly text) contents gathered at the center of the screen would make it easier to read. The layout also looks like a physical piece of paper, so it adds a sense of familiarity to users who are mostly used to reading things from paper pages.

We also included an option for users to add a picture for their stories. The pictures appear as thumbnails next to the title and other information of the story on the search result page, enabling the authors to give potential readers a quick visual impression. We made sure the the images were contained in the fixed-size boundaries to maintain the organized look of the page.

Page for a story

Recent Activity

have default string when new fiction created to show the users where the content is supposed to go in.

Based on the feedback from the computer prototyping, we added 'submit' button to the text editor instead of making the small 'save' icon function as the submit button. The size and placement of the submit button was chosen to give it an appropriate affordance.

Add screenshot of user page

to enable users to look at list of fictions a particular user worked on, made a user page that's reachable by clicking on usernames.


We built the website using Apache Tomcat and MySQL on a Linux machine.  We found JSP's and Servlets extremely easy to create and use, which made development go pretty quickly.  We used JSP's for serving out the pages with lots of HTML and only used Servlets for handling asynchronous requests.  We also used some classes as Beans to abstract away the database queries.  Interface behavior was done with a lot of CSS and Javascript, relying heavily on AJAX to avoid frequent page refreshes.  Most of the Javascript was home-brew, but we did use JQuery-ui for its autocomplete functionality.  The only problem with the implementation was that we could never get Database Connection Pooling working properly with Servlets, which caused the website to occasionally (once a day or so) lose the ability to query the database until restarted.  Obviously, this is a huge issue from a website usability standpoint, but since it didn't directly impact the interface (and since this is a user interface class), we decided not to pursue a bug fix.  For the most part, we had no problems with the systems used in our implementation; the only issue was that we were building everything ourselves (Java backend, CSS, Javascript, etc), which took a lot of time.
