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We have two classes of users: parents and their children.  While it will be possible for anyone who needs to easily check in with someone else to use our system, we will focus on these two user groups.


Parent characteristics:

  • Ages: any parent age
  • Education: Literate
  • Language: English
  • Technological experience: Low to Medium - owns a computer and/or smartphone and can use websites on either
  • Motivation: wants to be informed about children’s safety and/or activities
  • Attitude: High - safety of children is something that is a #1 priority

Child characteristics:

  • Ages: 11 (whenever they are old enough for a smartphone) through 22 (college-aged), with application focus on high schoolers
  • Education: Literate
  • Language: English
  • Technological experience: High - owns and can easily use a smartphone
  • Motivation: Have parents be satisfied with information about their activities
  • Attitude: Varies, probably Medium - may not consider parents’ motivation important or have high desire to use application in depth


Parent: Marge
Marge is a hard-working mom who cares a lot about her children. She wants them to be safe, but she also wants them to have fun. Right now, her children are in that difficult stage where they are trying to declare independence, but are dependent on their parents for at least a few more years. One of the side-effects of this stage is that her children have stopped seeing her as “cool”, and try to reduce the amount of communication between them. Whenever Bart is out, she wants to make sure that he’s safe, since he’s able to drive now and he’s already been in a couple of accidents, and if he’s ever in trouble or needs help, that he won’t hesitate to ask. But, whenever she tries to call him now, he simply ignores her calls. She even learned how to text, but that was to no avail -- he won’t answer her texts unless it involves something he wants. Lisa is slightly easier to deal with, but Marge still feels that tension between them every time she checks up with her while she’s out. She wants to know that they are safe, but she doesn’t want to annoy them.
