Versions Compared


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  • Goal: 
    • Create a meeting 
  • Precondition: 
    • Have an account
  • Postcondition: 
    • Invitations sent, 
    • Subscription deadline set
  • Subtasks: Event recurence, deadline


Mom scheduling for her kids. She keeps a schedule on a paper calendar and has to manually erase/update them for upcoming and changing events.

Person C

Tutor trying to create and maintain a schedule with initially a large number of openings. Tutor wants to limit individual tutorees for only one hour a day and make sure they don't take up any more time. Slots can change instantly and need to somehow update the prospective tutorees of new openings.

Person D
Person E


User has difficulty keeping up with changes in plans. This leads to events being pushed back repeatedly until a meeting is forced because it is the last possible time to meet.


Going Mobile: All of our classes can be benefited by some sort of notification system. We think that a mobile solution (text message, in-app push notification) can be more effective than an email. People tend to batch emails, making them less real-time and more prone to being lost or delayed. A mobile notification requires quick feedback from a user. This encourages users to have a more engaged interaction with the event.

Revised Tasks:

Create Event

Pre-Condition: Need to have an account;

Post-Condition: New event is created; Users need to be invited;

Subtasks: Specify range of acceptable times; Specify the expected duration of the event; 


Pre-condition: Need to have an event;

Post-condition: Notifications are sent;

Subtasks: Set notification reminder interval; Add people to the event; 


Pre-condition: Need to be invited to an event;

Post-condition: User has RSVPed;

Subtasks: Accept/Decline event; Choose from available time slots;