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Design 1

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Being a millenial, Andrew expects the internet to solve all his problems. Andrew goes back to his dorm room and pulls out his Macbook Pro.

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He googles "free compose with whistling online". Andrew wants to do this quickly without having to download anything.

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Sweet, this looks like what he needs. He doesn't even have to register to begin.

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"Tutorial yeah whatever, I got this."

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"Yeah yeah you can access my mic"

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When record is clicked, the button turns into 'stop record', and the other buttons gray out. The cursor moves steadily right and lines appear on the default track as he whistles. The default track is selected by default, and has a green glow to indicate this.

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When he's done, Andrew plays it back to make sure it sounds right. By default the instrument is set to grand piano, so it plays back as a piano. When he presses play, the play button turns into a 'stop play' and the edit buttons gray out, but the record button stays live. (This allows the user to play one track while recording another, but this issue doesn't come up for Andrew.)

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There's one place where Andrew screwed up a bit and started over. He wants to cut out the mistake, so he hits 'stop play' and drags the cursor back to the start of his mistake (he notices he can do this because he gets a drag pointer when he mouses over it). The 'edit track' button looks like what he wants, so he clicks it, and more buttons appear. He clicks cut, and it cuts the default track where the cursor is. The selection changes from the default track to just the second chunk of the track.

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Andrew plays it a bit more until he hits the end of what he wanted to cut out. He stops playback there, goes into editing and cuts the track again. He clicks the segment in the middle to give it the selection, then clicks 'delete segment' to make it disappear. A blank space is left in between.

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Andrew clicks and drags the second segment left to close the gap. The segment doesn't move any farther left when it hits the first segment--it seems segments can't overlap, which makes sense.

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If Andrew pulls past the segment, the rounded edges between segments disappear and a dotted line appears. Apparently you can join segments this way, in addition to whatever the menu button does. But Andrew decides to leave the segments separated for whatever reason.

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Andrew drags the cursor back to before the mistake and starts playing again to check that it sounds good.

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Here the mic picked up a wrong note. Andrew stops playback and now goes into 'Edit notes'. A new button appears.

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Andrew figures out how to edit the music based on his mouse cursor changing and experimentation. When he clicks a note or moves it up and down, it plays at its new pitch. The note snaps to notes on the chromatic scale, and the lines rescale if he brings the note up too high or too low to accomodate all the pitches.

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If Andrew screws up, he'll find an Undo in the edit menu, which says file in this picture for no reason.

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After editing, Andrew plays through the song one last time. Sounds good. Now save!

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Apparently to save his music, Andrew has to register. Okay, that seems reasonable.

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After saving, Andrew clicks on the new 'my account' link in the corner and sees a list of his songs, and also a list of popular songs by others. There's a dropdown next to his song which says 'private', so he assumes he can share his song later if he wishes.

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Class starts in 5 minutes!
