Versions Compared


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As a group we also explored other scenarios. We felt that the scenario shown above best encapsulated our findings from our user and task analysis. Nevertheless, we brainstormed other scenarios that we thought were also valuable. Those are included here.

Alternate Scenario 1 - "The Disconnected Floor”

Bob is a graduate student on the 7th floor of the Stata building. While he likes getting food from the food trucks because they are cheap and good quality he does not like spending the time walking over to Carleton St and waiting in line. Furthermore, once he does get his food, he always walks back to his office and eats alone while looking at pictures of cats on the Internet. Little does Bob know that there are 5 other graduate students on the 7th floor that also get food from the food trucks. They also don’t like wasting time getting food and also eat alone.


After the meeting, Bob is working in his office trying to figure out why his code is segfaulting. He receives a notification from GroupOrder that David has his meal in the 7th floor lounge area. Bob walks over and notices that his 5 friends are also there to picking up their food. Since they are already there, they all decide they might as well have lunch together. They all eat together in the lounge area instead of all eating by themselves in their offices. They have a wonderful time talking and enjoying their great food before having to return to their busy day.

Alternate Scenario 2 - "The Meeting"

Bob is a busy graduate student in the Media Lab. He likes grabbing food from the food trucks because it is close by and the food is good and not too expensive. However, he often has meetings around noon that run late. By the time these meetings wrap up his favorite food truck is out of the disk that he likes. This makes Bob sad.
Then Bob learned about GroupOrder. It allows him to place an order and someone else in his lab will get the food for him. All he needs to do is place his order and GroupOrder will have a “runner” from Bob’s lab head down and pick up the food.
