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Rachel is the new housing manager of the dorm Dartmoor.  She is taking over from Greg, who is moving on to better and brighter things, but unfortunately was not very organized, and did have a system of organization.  Instead, he kept his data scattered among Excel spreadsheets and pieces of paper.  Rachel prefers to keep things organized, so she decided to use HManager.  

The first thing Rachel does is start collecting all the data left over from Michael, which includes all the past and current projects, as well as how much money that took, how much money she has for the next year.  She already has the residents' information (name, age, email) in a spreadsheet and a email list that contains all the students.

She receives requests from the students, and decides if the requests need to be worked on.  When she does so, she can (optionally) email everyone in the building that she is going to take on the project.  Once she has an estimate on when the projects can be done, and how much money each project will take, she updates the projects with that data, and wants to be able to keep track of dates and the project to "current" status.  At this point, she thinks about sending an emails to broadcast out to the residents to update them on what she is doing.  She wants to be able to keep track of projects that are completed, and be able to view past projects, and another email broadcast can be made.  


Design 1

Rachel starts off with creating a new account on HManager, as Greg did not have an account.  She clicks start.  Clicking start brings her to the startup page, which includes a place to input a house name, as well as a choice to input old data (from Greg) or simply starting anew.  Since she wishes to keep track of everything that has happened, she clicks Input old info.
