Versions Compared


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Task 4: View aggregate information of social contacts






The steps for this task is almost
the same as the steps for task 2.
The only difference is that the 
aggregated information is 
presented in the "> History" area
where you can see a "frequency
chart" and a "duration chart".

- Frequency chart is presented
in a bar chart. It indicates how many
times Joe has been to a certain place.
Also, it has a tab menu where Alice
can choose to view Joe's weekly chart
or monthly chart.

- Duration chart is presented in 
a pie chart indicating how much
time Joe spent in a certain place.
Similarly, it has a tab menu which
allows Alice to navigate between
Joe's weekly and monthly chart. 


1. Users can learn by 
manipulating with the 
2. The 
1. Do the charts communicate
the information to users? We
should test this in paper-


The only error here is not 
viewing the desired data by
clicking on another friend's 
picture. But, users can 
*undo *this easily.

The tab menu and charts are
good information scent. And
the chart is big to catch users'

Task 5: Edit social contacts






Bob's page and his location info.       The location info. Joe is sharing with  

  Permission setting of Joe for Bob 

Joe enters Bob's page as in Task 2.
In addition to viewing Bob's shared
location with Joe, Joe can view how
Bob sees his location information by
clicking on the " < My LocaShare" 

Joe modifies Bob's permission by
clicking on the "Edit" button at the
bottom and enters the permission
setting. The permission setting page
is the same as the on in Task 1.

1.  Users can learn by clicking
on the Edit button. Then he would
realize it is a way to modify the 
location you are sharing with Bob.

1. The word "Edit" might
be misleading. Users might
interpret it as "edit my profile
picture","edit my location", or
"edit my name", etc. Should
use a more precise word to
express "Edit the information
you are sharing with Bob."

Edit can be done by
a click on the "Edit"

(The efficiency for 
permission setting
is discussed in
Task 1) 

The only error here 
would be mistakenly
click on the "Edit" button.
However, we can 
easily undo this action
by providing a "Back"
button. (or using the
Back button on browsers
or mobile phones.)

The "Edit" button is salient
to draw users attention.
