Versions Compared


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  • Learnability
    • Good: The titles of each page fit well with what the actual content of the page is.  The color scheme in the building status would help the manager be able to quickly glance and see the status of projects on each floor.  To add projects it is fairly straightforward filling in a form.
    • Bad:  It's not entirely clear when a user can click on a table entry and when they can't.  For example in the table on the Student Request the entries are not clickable and there is a similar table on the Projects page.  The way the budget is laid out for viewing will probably take a user a minute or two to figure out what is going on.  It probably would not be initially clear to the user how the graph of the budget is updated since it is updated automatically based on project finish dates.
  • Efficiency
    • Good: It is very easy to quickly edit multiple tasks without having to move back and forth between two screens.  A smaller window appears in front of the main window and when the person closes it the table will stay in the same order except the edited entry.  The house manager can easily add a student request to projects without having to remember or write down all of the information to enter the project by manually having to navigate to the Projects Screen.  The idea that clicking on table entries or a floor takes the house manager to the project page makes it efficient to change projects.  The bar graph is a way that the manager can quickly compare their budget to the rest of the year.
    • Bad: Only being able to edit (which includes making projects are complete) one project at a time might feel inefficiency to an experienced user.
  • Safety
    • Good: Projects can be edited from the projects screen.  Though as mentioned in learnability it is not entirely clear that they can be edited from the project screen.  Being able to only edit one project at a time helps with safety, but as mentioned earlier it could present a problem with efficiency for the experienced user.
    • Bad:  Can't edit past projects (projects that have a finish date that have passed).  Its not easy to recover from making the error, especially in terms on managing the budget.  The user would have to make a note to themselves that they input the data wrong that their budget has an excess of x amount of dollars.

Design 3


