Versions Compared


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  • "Worried about paper trail" -- record on other party's phone despite deleting
    • e.g. group chat, wiping their messages leaves them on the other person's phone. Also, any messages said to them would still be there in a group chat setting, potentially giving stuff away.
  • It's way too easy to add someone who is added to a chat, esp in comparison to normal addition of a contact
    • "Felt weird to add" via added introduction
    • Would "rather add everyone securely"
  • Add an added-but-unverified category

Overall Observations

  • Add a 3rd category of icon, a user who's a contact but not 'trusted' -- yellow icon would be a good indicator of this
  • Allow inviting people to chat to make everything make sense
  • Make it clear it's possible to wipe messages w/o deleting
  • Make the 'wipe all messages' checkbox more obvious as to it's purpose--it's not a 'confirm action' checkbox, which it may be mistaken for by an inattentive user
  • Make it clearer the lock icon AND name are clickable when in chat by tying them together somehow, so user isn't trying overly hard to aim on the lock only