Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Task 1 - Make a new collection and add a photo or two to it.   
    • He thinks for a few seconds, and clicks the new collection button
    • He fills in collection name with his own name, then realizes the text box was supposed to be for the collections name. 
    • He adds "'s collection" to the name so that it makes sense. 
    • He adds a short description and clicks okay. (No pauses here).
    • He clicks the add new button.
    • He clicks the shutter button to take a picture.
    • He clicks it again to take another picture. (I think he thought it would take him to a screen to take a picture)
    • He clicks on tags: + to add a tag (he tags a picture of a smily face with Smily001)
    • He wants to add another tag, so he clicks + again. he tags it with the date (we don't have it clear that this is automatic).
    • He clicks on Ok to save the photo and is brought back to the collections screen.
    • He adds another photo
    • He thinks the drag out menu is the back button, so he clicks it... instead it opens up a menu. "Uh oh. That's not what I wanted!!" He clicks the button again to close the menu.
    • We add a return button and he clicks it to go back to the main screen
  • Task 2 - Search the animals collection for a dog.
    • He clicks on the animals collection.
    • He clicks the filter: + button , very intuitively.
    • He types "dog" and then he clicks on dog to open up the dog photo page.
    • Now, he opens up the slide-out menu.
    • He clicks on share.......
  • Task 3 - Share something with someone
    • He clicks below new sharer button at first - (He couldn't tell that add new sharer was supposed to be a buttons)
    • He then clicks on the actual button - "Ooooh google plus and facebook integration"
    • He clicks on the text box and is slightly confused, but then writes "" and clicks on view, modify, and then okay.
    • He wants to add another sharer, so he clicks on Add New Sharer, then on the facebook icon
    • He starts typing xxx, and is pleasantly surprised by the autocomplete feature. 
    • He clicks on xxx xxx, view, and then Okay.
  • Task 4 - Return to the home screen.** He then clicks on the bottom right okay to get brought back to the dog photo page. ** He clicks return to get back to the animals colelction.** He tries to click on animals. Nothing happens** He clicks on menu. He is surprised that it slides out.
    • "How do I go home? Oh. Return... return." He clicks on return.
    • He tries to click on "collections."
    • He clicks return again and is brought back to the main screen.
    • He tries to click on the logo. i think he's trolling us.
    • "Is there a log out or something? That's probably what I'd look for." (We should specify that it's droid so that they know to click on the standard droid buttons).
    • He clicks home.
  • Observations - 
    • "It'd be cool if there was a home screen button instead of return."
    • "The giant logo on top should be a home button."


  • Task 1 - 
    • stuff
  • Task 2 - 
    • stuff
  • Task 3 - 
    • stuff
  • Observations - 
    • stuff

User Test #2


  • stuff


  • stuff


  • stuff

Based on user 1's suggestions, we added a name for the item. We also changed filter to search filter, to make it more obvious that it had search functionality (perhaps a magnifying glass would work just as well? Unless people confused it with a magnification scope):
User 2 does not own a smartphone or an android. A short briefing on touchscreens follows.

She thinks this is a cool idea
Task #1 - Search the animals collection for a dog

  • PEW - clicks browse collections.
  • PEW - clicks animals
  • Gets which one is the dog after three clicks.
  • Tries holding and clicking all the animals.. moose, penguin, whale..
  • Clicks on dog!
  • Clicks on home. Returns to android home screen. Realizes that is outside the scope, goes back.
  • "What does this button do?" Clicks on the photo.
  • "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Clicks cancel.
  • Clicks on menu clicks on menu again.
  • We asked her to find the dog in another manner.
  • Clicks search filter: +, and types in dog and clicks done

Task #2 - add a description to the dog item

  • Clicks menu, then add description
  • She types some description
  • She clicks done.
  • "Where can I see the description?.. Oh.. properties...?" 
    Task #3 - Make a new collection and add a picture or two to it
  • clicks menu to close it
  • clicks menu to open it.. "Wait how do I go back?" clicks done.
  • clicks back again (this time the droid button).
  • she clicks add new.
  • She clicks on name, and types in "Ice Cream Flavors"
  • She clicks done.
  • She clicks on description, and types in "Yum"... done
  • She doesn't know how to add a pictures? "How do i add a picture"
  • She clicks okay.
  • She click on add new
  • She clicks on name,types in peppermint, and clicks done.
  • She takes a photo of some peppermint ice cream!
  • She clicks done.

Task #4 - Share a collection with someone else

  • She Clicks menu -> Share
  • She clicks on the text box.
  • She starts typing stuff.. and it auto completes! "Ahahah!"
  • She clicks on one of the autocomplete itemes (Wait why does the keyboard steal focus?...)
  • She clicks can view, then can view again. She clciks done.
  • She clicks done again!!!

"Was anything confusing?" - "Not really.. it's mostly intuitive. I don't know what these three lines are"
"Anything a bit off?" - "Not really"
"Do you like the teram search/filter?" - "Both make sense..."
"How would I share multiople collections with people at once?"


User Test #3

FINASL UTSER TEST.idk if he uses droid or not. he knows what the dfroid buttons d othough. oh he has an iphone
