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Manasi Vartak, Tristan Naumann, Chidube Ezeozue

Prototype Photos

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PosterBoard is a project that aims to increase visibility of event posters by encouraging interaction with the posters.


You have come across this poster board at in Stata Center. Describe 5 things you can do with it. (We put in utilized this open ended task to get a sense for whether which features of the poster board were discoverable as well as those that might be expected).

Task 2

You have a USB drive in your possession. Add a poster from the USB onto the poster board.

Task 3

Find a poster you like, add it to your calendar and scribble on it.


User Background

1. All users were familiar with non-digital poster boards.

2. Most were aware of QR codes and a mechanism on the phone to scan them.

3. Some have added event reminders manually using their phone.

Task 1 - Interaction

1. When asked to interact with the poster board, the users switched between the alternative view modes (calendar, random and clustered). One of them complained that he did not know what 'clustered' view meant.


3. Several user attempted to move poster thumbnails around.

4. One user hoped to see a context menu appear on a poster if he long-pressed it.


3. One of the users felt that the 'Choose poster' instruction for opening a file browser and selecting a poster image was unclear. He was also not sure whether the file browser would take him straight to his USB drive or if he would have to browse there himself. 

4. One of the users felt he would be too 'lazy' to add the extra details required for automatic generation of QR codes and opted not to automatically generate them.

5. Several users said that they would not want to create a QR code because they don't use them.

6. One of the users couldn't find the "Choose poster" button for selecting the poster.

Task 3 - Add to calendar and scribble


2. To add an event to calendar, a user directly added the time and venue on his phone. Specifically, looking to the date and time indicated on the poster rather than the headers in 'Calendar' view.

3. One user noted that he would be uncomfortable typing his email on the board (in order to add the event into his calendar) .

4. Users tried to scribble on the poster directly when there was no "pen" symbol for writing.

5. One user was completely averse to the idea of writing not on the poster.

Other comments

1. One of the users expressed that he would like to have seen instructions or a video that informed him of the capabilities of the board.
