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This is the landing page of the application. It shows the users their next ride (offer, reservation or request) as well as the upcoming rides to and from the house. This page is designed to provide an efficient way for users to find the next ride to their intended destination. In order to make it easier for users to quickly see how much time they have until the next ride the times are give in time until ride, not absolute time.

This is the primary scheduling page, in this case blank (no rides or requests). There are three tabs, one for rides to the house, one for rides to campus, and a final tab (called ME) that contains your personal settings and your rides. 

This is the same schedule with rides and requests on the schedule page. The request are on the right side of the page and are shown by line segments that signify the time range that they are looking for rides. Rides are horizontals lines with an icon and a number on it. The icon will signify the type of vehicle it is: van, car and taxi. The number signifies how many spots are still available on the vehicle.

Request page

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To create a request, you drag and pull and let go to create a bar this will then open up this request page. Which has clickable arrows that defaults to 1 for how many people you are requesting a ride. Again the date is purposely not changeable.  Requests have time ranges, so you can define the time range that you can change. It defaults more where you clicked and dragged to 

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To reserve a ride you click on one of the icons, this brings you to this page. Again has a consistent format for how to choose the number of seats your booking (it also shows how many are available and does not let you choose more than are available). It shoes who the driver is, what vehicle he is driving and the time.  It also displays the drivers phone number ( not written in here) and any notes the driver might have written. The Submit and cancel page are in the same spot on each of these pages.

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has clickable arrows that defaults to 4, to show how many spots you are willing to offer. Then the day cannot be changed. Then the time defaults to roughly where you clicked with your fingers. There is also a section to leave any notes for the riders.

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On the top shoes your information like name and phone number in case you would like to change it. Then it shows all your pending offers reservations and request. The arrow on the right lets your expand and collapse the sections. Collapsed sections display a number  of things in that category. Expanded sections show time, direction,  people , and icon. And there is an arrow with an extra icon.

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NextRide is a mobile phone application to allow brothers and friends of a fraternity (more specifically our fraternity ZBT) to schedule, request and find rides between campus and the house. The application includes the ability to schedule the house's 15 passenger van, cars, and cabs.
