Versions Compared


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User 2:

  1. "Add to Wardrobe" Task:
    • Tried "Sign-in" first; didn't work (not registered)
    • "Register" used instead
    • Not sure what to do
      • Add dialog for "Register" / new user path on the phone (and omit for experienced users)
    • Take picture, "Add to Wardrobe"
    • Asked "are there enough categories for all my things? is this extensive enough?"
    • Didn't add tags; "Add to Wardrobe"
    • Went to "register" link
    • Wasn't sure about going to E-mail
    • Navigated to E-mail; wasn't sure which link to click for verification
      • Is there more than one option presented on the E-mail?
    • Logged in successfully
    • clicked on "my wardrobe"; "add clothing"
    • Selected a suit from the wardrobe; wasn't sure how to classify a suit
    • Placed suit in the "other" category
    • Notes:
      • No ability to update or delete outfit components? if mislabeled a shirt as pants, how does one solve the problem?
      • Bring more functionality to the phone - is more convenient to use
  2. "Requesting Advice" Task:
    • Explored interface
    • Clicked on "Me" section of the requests pane; brings up blank slate (user has no request history)
    • Asked question ""What to wear for Graduation?" (user created new question)
      • Writing longer question doesn't fit / feel good
    • On Asking page:
      • Lots of options appear on page
      • Wrote types of clothes desired into text window
      • When considering suggesting items, wanted 2D arrangement option
    • On Request page: same observations as Client 1
    • Notes:
      • Ability to change home page to "my wardrobe" rather than active requests?
      • A new potential user type: rather than the social ask/answer, someone looking to inventory a large wardrobe - a more technical user
    • Request Advice" page
    • "Interview Tomorrow" question
    • Added a few details; submitted
  3. "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Unsure of which link to click to see requests; used process of elimination ("I've already clicked on these, so...")
    • Scrolled through requests to Knave's request; looked at other suggestions
    "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Scrolled through "Everyone" section, brought up Felicity's question
    • On Question Details page:
      • Move the "Answer" button to more visible location
    • On Canvas page:
      • Drag & drop to move clothes over
      • "pants, shirt, shoes, hat" added
      • Added a comment, submitted
    • Notes:
      • "how do I go back?" asked
      • Multiple ways to answer question:
        • Dress up user directly
        • Indirect, guiding question dialog
      • Curious about privacy tags on wardrobe: "can I mark certain pieces of clothing private?"
      • User not comfortable answering question - not sure where to start
      • Wanted more dialog with requester - more detail to go on
      • Mannequin to place clothes on?
        • How to handle layering?
      • Wanted to see more of wardrobe at a time - resize canvas & wardrobe real estate?
    • Notes:
      • Enable asynchronous dialog with requesters - pseudo text messaging
      • go after submission
  4. Overall Impressions:
    • Pro: Simple interface, can be navigated quickly through process-of-elimination if nothing else
    • Pro: Quick to use - no unnecessary roadblocks to produce content for self or others
    • Con: Might want to change color scheme/layout to be more inspired by fashion - looked a little simple as is
    • Con: Some pages in interface are confusing - guidance about where to click after completing tasks could be improved
    Overall Impressions:
    • Positive Impression 1
    • Positive Impression 2
    • Negative Impression 1
    • Negative Impression 2

User 3:

  1. "Add to Wardrobe" Task:
    • Tried "Sign-in" first; didn't work (not registered)
    • "Register" used instead
    • Not sure what to do
      • Add dialog for "Register" / new user path on the phone (and omit for experienced users)
    • Take picture, "Add to Wardrobe"
    • Asked "are there enough categories for all my things? is this extensive enough?"
    • Didn't add tags; "Add to Wardrobe"
    • Notes:
      • Bring more functionality to the phone - is more convenient to use
  2. "Requesting Advice" Task:
    • Explored interface
    • Clicked on "Me" section of the requests pane; brings up blank slate (user has no request history)
    • Asked question ""What to wear for Graduation?" (user created new question)
      • Writing longer question doesn't fit / feel good
    • On Asking page:
      • Lots of options appear on page
      • Wrote types of clothes desired into text window
      • When considering suggesting items, wanted 2D arrangement option
    • On Request page: same observations as Client 1
    • Notes:
      • Ability to change home page to "my wardrobe" rather than active requests?
      • A new potential user type: rather than the social ask/answer, someone looking to inventory a large wardrobe - a more technical user
  3. "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Scrolled through "Everyone" section, brought up Felicity's question
    • On Question Details page:
      • Move the "Answer" button to more visible location
    • On Canvas page:
      • Multiple ways to answer question:
        • Dress up user directly
        • Indirect, guiding question dialog
      • Curious about privacy tags on wardrobe: "can I mark certain pieces of clothing private?"
      • User not comfortable answering question - not sure where to start
      • Wanted more dialog with requester - more detail to go on
      • Mannequin to place clothes on?
        • How to handle layering?
      • Wanted to see more of wardrobe at a time - resize canvas & wardrobe real estate?
    • Notes:
      • Enable asynchronous dialog with requesters - pseudo text messaging
  4. Overall Impressions:
    • Positive Impression 1
    • Positive Impression 2
    • Negative Impression 1
    • Negative Impression 2
