Versions Compared


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  1. "Add to Wardrobe" Task:
    • clicked on "register"
    • Filled & submitted form
    • Opened E-mail, verified account
      • Some excess quotes in place on text displayed?
    • Logged in successfully
    • Navigated to wardrobe, clicked on "add clothing"
    • Selected hat from computer, selected hat category, and submitted
    • Returned to wardrobe; sorting of clothing by category worked as expected
    • Elected to add more clothing
    • Selected dress from computer, selected dress category, and submitted
    • Notes:
      • Fields don't center as expected - text at top is centered on each half of screen, but wardrobe doesn't center with it
  2. "Requesting Advice" Task:
    • Clicked on "Request Advice" page
    • "Job Interview" as title.
    • Added details about the type of job interview (software development company)
    • Submitted, saw feedback on personal wardrobe page
    • Notes:
      • Not clear what kind of details will be useful to add to requests, and can't edit later
      • "Is X appropriate for this event?" style of question not supported
  3. "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Looked for search/filter option; no luck
    • Found Knave's request, Clicked on "Knave," and saw his other requests
    • On Canvas page:
      • Drag & Drop grasped immediately
      • "Lab coat, shoes, and hat" added
      • Added comment; submitted
    • Notes:
      • Feedback on submission not as optimal - returning to that user's set of requests - now with your new suggestion - might be more applicable?
      • Search by name - Knave might not have been easy to find
      • Use answers to similar questions to answer your own?
  4. Overall Impressions:
    • Pro: Existing functionality is very intuitive and easy-to-navigate
    • Pro: Tasks were easy to accomplish, and the immediate feedback was encouraging and rewarding
    • Con: More attention should be given to navigating the interface for greater efficiency (Major Conflict, can be remedied with inclusion of search functionality)
    • Con: Some more time spent verifying the consistency of display for various window sizes (Cosmetic Conflict; can be remedied with more time spent on visualization on different screen sizes)

User 2:

  1. "Add to Wardrobe" Task:
    • Went to "register" link
    • Wasn't sure about going to E-mail
    • Navigated to E-mail; wasn't sure which link to click for verification
      • Is there more than one option presented on the E-mail?
    • Logged in successfully
    • clicked on "my wardrobe"; "add clothing"
    • Selected a suit from the wardrobe; wasn't sure how to classify a suit
    • Placed suit in the "other" category
    • Notes:
      • No ability to update or delete outfit components? if mislabeled a shirt as pants, how does one solve the problem?
  2. "Requesting Advice" Task:
    • Clicked "Request Advice" page
    • "Interview Tomorrow" question
    • Added a few details; submitted
  3. "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Unsure of which link to click to see requests; used process of elimination ("I've already clicked on these, so...")
    • Scrolled through requests to Knave's request; looked at other suggestions
      • Move the "Answer" button to more visible location
    • On Canvas page:
      • Drag & drop to move clothes over
      • "pants, shirt, shoes, hat" added
      • Added a comment, submitted
    • Notes:
      • "how do I go back?" asked - not sure where to go after submission
  4. Overall Impressions:
    • Pro: Simple interface, can be navigated quickly through process-of-elimination if nothing else
    • Pro: Quick to use - no unnecessary roadblocks to produce content for self or others
    • Con: Might want to change color scheme/layout to be more inspired by fashion - looked a little simple as is (Cosmetic Conflict; can be improved with consultation with more users)
    • Con: Some pages in interface are confusing - guidance about where to click after completing tasks could be improved

User 3:

    • (Minor Conflict; can be improved with either more redirects, or perhaps with included links of the form "Click -here- to proceed to the results page")

User 3:

  1. "Add to Wardrobe"Add to Wardrobe" Task:
    • Clicked on "register"
    • Filled out form; clicked submit
    • Checked E-mail on phone; verified link via phone
    • Attempted to log in - failed
    • Verified link via computer
    • Successfully logged in
    • Clicked through "My Wardrobe"; "add clothes"
    • Selected pants from computer, selected pants category, submitted
    • Clicked "Return to Wardrobe"; pants successfully placed in pants category
    • Notes:
      • What's the story behind the phone verification failing?
  2. "Requesting Advice" Task:
    • Clicked on "request advice"
    • Asked question: "Interview Tomorrow"
    • Added minimal details
    • Submitted; saw resulting request posted successfully
    • Notes:
      • Again, might want to provide more guidance on how to give helpful details
  3. "Designing Outfit" Task:
    • Clicked on ""
    • Found Knave's request, clicked on "suggest an outfit"
    • On Canvas page:
      • Drag and drop again very intuitive
      • "Pants, shirt, hat, and shoes" added
      • Acknowledged comment box, but declined to add a comment; submitted
    • Notes:
      • No built-in search function, but opted to use built-in browser search to find certain other users
  4. Overall Impressions:
    • Pro: Very intuitive and easy to understand the interface
    • Pro: Very quick to get material up on the site, either to ask for help or give help
    • Con: More search support options would be nice, especially when seeking to help out a friend on the site (Major Conflict; discussed with User 1)
    • Con: Grasping full functionality of the site (i.e., what details to add, viewing other users' requests after on the canvas page) isn't as clearly illustrated - could improve visibility of this functionality. (Minor Conflict; could be remedied with more clear visualization of available tools, or left as-is to let users discover the various elements of the interface over time.)

Collection of issues found through User Testing:

  1. More attention should be given to navigating the interface for greater efficiency (Major Conflict, can be remedied with inclusion of search functionality)
  2. Grasping full functionality of the site (i.e., what details to add, viewing other users' requests after on the canvas page) isn't as clearly illustrated - could improve visibility of this functionality. (Minor Conflict; could be remedied with more clear visualization of available tools, or left as-is to let users discover the various elements of the interface over time.)
  3. Some pages in interface are confusing - guidance about where to click after completing tasks could be improved (Minor Conflict; can be improved with either more redirects, or perhaps with included links of the form "Click -here- to proceed to the results page")
  4. Some more time spent verifying the consistency of display for various window sizes (Cosmetic Conflict; can be remedied with more time spent on visualization on different screen sizes)
  5. Might want to change color scheme/layout to be more inspired by fashion - looked a little simple as is (Cosmetic Conflict; can be improved with consultation with more users)


Discuss what you learned over the course of the iterative design process. If you did it again, what would you do differently? Focus in this part not on the specific design decisions of your project (which you already discussed in the Design section), but instead on the meta-level decisions about your design process: your risk assessments, your decisions about what features to prototype and which prototype techniques to use, and how you evaluated the results of your observations.
