Versions Compared


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The process of adding a debt was universally confusing to people. This is something we did not expect, but we can see how it would be the case: adding a new debt requires navigating to a separate page, without any indication that it is related to the original record you were modifying. Furthermore, adding more than one debt requires taking you to yet another page: although this linked-list style of debt recording was convenient to implement, it is not a style of interface which users are generally used to. Ideally, we would fold the debts page into the record page, such that users would have immediate feedback that the debt they are adding is related to an individual record.

Individual Results

“C. B.” - Course VI - Male - Droid user - Sophomore


  1. Took a little bit to find out how to log-in
    1. mostly didn’t read the login screen until few seconds later
    2. found out eventually on his own
  2. Record process good
  3. found map
  4. found chart.
  5. logged out successfully

Comments: Nice interface

“B. K.” - Course IX - Male - Droid user - Senior


  1. Create account - login successful
  2. Recording 18 dollars okay
  3. Recording debt fail
    1. used transfer.... got confused, but went with it anyway.
  4. Viewing chart and map successful
  5. logged out

Comments: The debts and transfers was a bit confusing.

“Y. D.” - Course III - Female - Senior


  1. login went well
  2. Record process went well
  3. Got confused when creating debts and then having to resubmit under records
    1. took a while to figure out the purpose of transfer
  4. Viewed chart and map successfully
  5. Logged out


-Add debits should be it's own tab, the process of recording a spending vs. recording a debt can sometime be confusing to the user.
-The transfer option is kind of confusing because you can’t really transfer cash to cash, some type of of lock their would make it a bit simpler for the user.

“R. A.” - Course VI - Male - Grad


  1. Login went well
  2. Recording process started slow but went well
  3. Transferred $20 to cash from card
  4. Map and chart view successfully
  5. logged out
