Versions Compared


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--Attempted to search by pressing Enter, which is functionality we intended to implement but did not have time to complete (major).  There is no harm in just implementing it for every search bar.

--Was confused by the way in which ratings were displayed. The average rating is shown if the user has not rated a book, and she did not understand this. She also did not notice the “Average Rating” and “Your Rating” underneath the star selection (catastrophic).  Possible solutions was to display Your Rating and Average Rating as starts as well, with the label to the left of the stars instead of above the stars.

--Accidentally clicked on the user below the one she was trying to add as a friend, indicating that perhaps the user entries are too close to one another on the page (major).  The solution to this is simply to widen the gap where appropriate.

--Did not understand why confirmation was needed for recommendations, especially since it was not needed to add/remove friends (minor).  In order to address this, we decided a possible solution was to ask for confirmation when asking to add or remove friends as well.

--Tried to add books to the reading list by visiting the Reading List page, rather than the page for the desired book (minor).  We decided we could also provide a popup with a search bar in the Reading List order to allow the user to add books to reading list as well.


--Wanted to upload own picture; looked for a while before realizing it is not possible (minor).  We were reluctant to allow students to be able to upload any picture in order to keep obscene or objectionable material from school webapps, but decided it may be possible if the administrators are notified whenever a student tries to change a profile picture so that they may review the change; if this is not possible, we wanted to just put instructions at the top of the popup.

--Preferred larger "search" button, particularly because search was not activated by hitting the "Enter" key (cosmetic, major).  The solution to this is simply to make the Search button bigger.

--Wanted to be able to change colors; complained of lack of settings (cosmetic).  Just as with pictures, we thought we could implement a small menu that allows users to change some settings including colors.

--Disliked having to go to book page to add books; wanted to add directly from book list (minor).  We thought it would be useful to use a small popup that has a synopsis an the option to add to one's own reading list and a small summary that links to the book page, but were uncertain due to the possibly reduced efficiency.

--Did not understand what links at top of "My Reading List" were for (minor). When clarified, responded by saying they waste space anyway.  The solution to this would be to place the Already Read section, which is likely to be the longest and least looked through, at the bottom, and to dispense with the links at the top of the page.
