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For mackVibes, we used HTML/CSS/Jquery to design and implement the front end. Initially we chose to use twitter bootstrap to design the application, but this implementation decision caused problems. Instead, and we found that using the jquery mobile library instead, provided for an easier designing stageeasier designing process, as well as a consistency for mobile web applications that we could not achieve using twitter bootstrap. 

On the mobile application side we also used echonest, an api used to gather and display information about a song, artist, or track, and utilized this to present important information about songs played by the DJ.

For the backend we utilized node.js as well as bcrypt.js files to sure up the for password encryption. 



 Because we had 2 interfaces for our project, we had to pull two different types of users. 

  • User type Type 1 - DJ: A College DJ that often Dj's at parties whether for pay or free.
  • User Type 2 : - Party-goer: A College student that frequents parties

Of  Of these user types we had 3 Dj's

  • DJ 1: A Senior at MIT, with 4 years of experience Dj'ing fraternity parties.
  • DJ 2: A Junior at MIT, with only about 1 1/2 years of experience DJ'ing fraternity parties
  • DJ 3: A Freshman at MIT, who has only DJ'ed at about 2 parties thus far in his career  

we  We also had 3 three random party goers however (their background is less important since the focus group for MackVibes is the Dj community)



You've just finished setting up your equipment to DJ for the party tonight, however, you don't quite know what kind of music the crowd is going to like THis is a new audience, and you don't want to perfom badly. You have decided to Use MackVibes, which is a software that allows you to interact with your audience, by giving them options for songs to vote on by the click of a button, or simply provide them with the name of songs currently playing. 


  1. Vote for song to listen to in the next few minutes
  2. look at previously played songs from the audience and interact with that list
  3. Upvote and/or downvote DJ performance


Usability Issues




Possible Solutions

DJ #1

Samples for the music in the queue and when searching would be useful


We will have difficulty making sure that this does not interfere with other songs being played by the DJ on other devices, but if desired we could utilize any other aspects of the EchoNest API to play small samples when prompted.


Drag and Drop to add songs to the queue


Add jQuery functionality on the page should it be used on a laptop


Confirmation before playing a new song (Error Prevention)


Add a small pop-up window over the queued item that confirms the play


Search is very useful



DJ #2

DJ Feedback on the homepage does not display correctly


Make the DJ Feedback more minimal, remove other inhibiting features like pop-ups


Queuing genres rather than songs could be useful 


Have the genres as options to be queued and voted upon on the home screen


Set up Queue like Reddit, with upvoting/downvoting


To avoid popular songs becoming too overplayed, songs once played can be take off the queue.


Search lets user click an entire row



DJ #3

Voting runs in the background for DJ  


Maintain the voting tally while on other pages.


Sortable song lists


Using a jQuery / Javascript tool, implement columns for the data, and sort the info in those columns


No graph about song votes shows up


If added, the votes for songs would show up as an option on the Vibes page of the DJ interface.


Make sure the bottom menu stays fixed


Code fix in CSS, adding a fixed position attribute to the bottom menu


Change 'Previous Winner' to 'Now Playing'


Code fix in HTML.


DJ feedback last hour shows no information


After songs have been played, more information shows up. Until then, perhaps show text that says no data has been gathered


Auto-Login after registering


Change destination page after registration to the DJ interface page

Client #1

Case Sensitive DJ code


Changed backend to ignore case.


Submit DJ code button should disappear after submission


Once the party client has submitted DJ code, remove the button until party ends or party client wants to leave.


Rate the party at the end, between 1-10


Add some feedback on the DJ interface that shows the party's votes from one to ten, add a voting feature on the client interface


Notification when voting starts


Push Notification, color change, or device vibration are all viable options for alerting the party client that voting has started


Voting has a timeout so that the DJ doesn't have to go back and forth


After a set amount of time, the voting poll closes without input from the DJ (although he can end voting as he pleases using our current UI).


Rate the Party feature is great



Client #2

Tablet interface is weird - Text is too big, page is not scaled to phone


Make sure text responds to change in viewport's size.




Some features and UI elements (pictures, text, menus) need to adjust based on the width of the screen. Change the CSS properties that control those aspects and have them show up the same way regardless of screen size.


Send comments to DJ


Add a push notification-ready message tool on the client interface, perhaps on the home screen after the 'Submit DJ Code' button disappears.

Client #3

Vote on party and song.




Change the voting style to that of 'Rate the Party', good for users used to one-click functionality 


This defeats the purpose of voting, and changes things way too much. We probably wouldn't try to change the UI to this.


Add an Undo button after voting


Once voting happens, an undo button removes one from the DJ's vote tally and the party client has until the poll ends to change his vote.
