Versions Compared


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  • Ground rules
  • What are we doing today
  • Who we are....
  • 1) Survey discussion (pre-conference survey of participants)
  • Group introductions
    • Who
    • What
    • Get out of this
    • One surprising thing about you

2) 9:40am - 11:20am - Introduction to Emerging Technologies... (overview)PDL

  • There are lots out there...
    • Picking them
    • Assessing them
    • What do you do with them?
    • Where do you look?
    • Horizon Report (PDL)
      1. Social Computing (PDL)
      2. Personal Broadcasting (CL)
      3. The Phones in Their Pockets
      4. Gaming
      5. Augmented Reality
      6. Context-Aware Environments and Devices
  • The Institutional framework
    • Sustaining them & scaling up (CL)(PDL)


10:30am - 10:45pm <Break> 15 min



11:50am - 12:50pm <LUNCH> (PDL (wink)


4) 12:50pm - 3:00pm - Personal Digital Conversations (BA?)
